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Our Unique Approach

Our WealthMap process combines financial planning and investment management into a comprehensive wealth management offering.

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Delegate Heavy Lifting​


  • Spend with flexibility and give with freedom

  • Frequent touch points to keep you on track

Enjoy the

Connect the Dots​


  • Ongoing Investment Management 

  • Regular Financial Planning Process

Navigate With Confidence

Where Are You Headed


  • Identify destination vs current trajectory

  • Define ideal route and outcomes

Chart Your Course

Where Are You Today


  • Take inventory & map current assets

  • Record Goals, Values & Priorities

Get Your Bearings
Our WealthMap™ Process ​

By regularly performing rigorous stress tests on both your portfolio and long-term financial plan, we are able to ensure that you stay on track and ahead of the curve.


We Know How To Create Wealth

Our WealthMap™ Process connects the dots and streamlines a plan to handle the heavy lifting in your financial life, so that you can...​
  • Spend your time and money on what matters most to you
  • Know your assets are being handled with care and diligence
  • Be confident that you are on track to live life on your terms
  • Leave a legacy to the people and causes you care about
Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now." -Alan Lakein

What You Can Expect From Us

Our WealthMapâ„¢  Process provides you and your family with the following:

A Personalized Plan

By talking about and planning for what may happen, we become comfortable with uncertainty and help paint a more understandable future for you and your family.
Expert Management

We consolidate, organize, and simplify so that you're always in control of your money and how you're going to spend it.
Optimized Finances

We do the math to ensure all areas of your finances are streamlined and efficient so that every dollar works as hard as possible for you — from debt paydown to long-term investments.
A Partner for Life

We are in your corner for all the twists and turns of life, counseling you through the complex and unexpected. Together we will keep you on track and ahead of the curve.
Starry Sky

Getting Started With Us



We'll have conversations and ask about your purpose, your values, your dreams, your fears, your current financial reality and your family life so that we can create your unique financial roadmap.



Together we will build and implement a robust financial plan, based on your unique situation that is solely focused on achieving your most desired outcomes.


We will be your family's guide in an ever-changing landscape so that no matter what happens in the markets, the economy, or the world you can live your ideal life.

Get in touch

Your Financial Priorities
Total Investments (exclude real estate)

Start Your Journey

Book Your 45 Minute Exploration Call Today

In this meeting, our lead wealth advisor, Reed Johnson, will find out more about you, what you're looking for and, if we are a right fit, how we can help you get there.


This meeting is at our expense. 

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